Mastaneh Moghadam, LCSW, is the co-founder and executive director of the non-profit organization, Cross-Cultural Expressions, in Encino, CA; where she overseas the development and implementation of multiple grants as well as the organizations Community Counseling Center, which specifically caters to the immigrant population.
Mastaneh is active in facilitating various trainings, presentations, and workshops on a variety of subjects related to multicultural counseling (i.e. Therapy with the Middle Eastern Population, Domestic Violence and the Iranian Community, Parenting in a Dual Cultural Setting, etc); for organizations such as Los Angeles Department of Mental Health, Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles, the West Hollywood and Beverly Hills Police Department, Ayeneh Foundation, Pars Equality Center, etc; as well as on Iranian television and radio.
She was a weekly guest speaker on the KIRN 670am Radio program, “The Role of Self and Mental Health” from 2012 to 2015. She served as the co-chair of the Under Represented Ethnic Populations Domestic Violence Task-Force from 2008 to 2011; and she continues to be an active member of the Department of Mental Health’s Under Represented Ethnic Population, Eastern European/Middle Eastern Sub-committee and LGBTQ sub-committee since 2008, acting as their co-chair from 2009 to 2011.
Mastaneh has worked with the Iranian LGBTQ community for over 15 years, providing therapy to Iranian Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals and their families. In January of 2015 Mastaneh started “We Do Care: Iranian American Parents of LGBTQ” support, advocacy and leadership groups. The “We Do Care” group has grown from 6 parents to over 45 parents in the last 3 years and in July of 2017 Mastaneh, in collaboration with RAHA International, established and facilitates the Iranian-American LGBTQ support and leadership groups. In 2016, Mastaneh was honored with the JQ International Inspiration Award for bringing the Persian LGBTQ community into the forefront, while giving a voice and support to Persian parents of LGBTQ children.